Thursday, April 11, 2013


1. What is a dystopia?
     A dystopia is a society characterized by human misery, as squalor, oppression, disease, and overcrowding.
2. What makes the book Uglies a dystopian novel?
     Uglies is a dystopian novel because there are two "types" of people in the book: 'Pretties' and 'Uglies'. The 'Pretties' get all of the fun entertainment toys and games and this so called 'hot-bod'. The 'Uglies' are oppressed and forced to wait until they are 16 to become a 'Pretty'; during said waiting period, they are living in a school dormitory, eating recycled food, always using recycled clothes, and have only one game: the Morpho Planner. This game is not really a game, it is a tool used by the 'Uglies' to plan out just what their 'hot-bod' will look like when they are put through the surgery at 16 years of age. The term 'Uglies' itself is a sign of oppression.
3. Give me a picture of what your "utopia" might look like.

4. Explain to me in detail what you visualize for your own utopia, NOT just the physical aspects but how your world would exist. 
     I imagine my world being one of futuristic proportions, one which contains working inventions such as the teleporter, virtual reality, flash-schooling, and the replicator in Star Trek. Flash-schooling is the term i use to describe how kids are schooled; they get a helmet to put on every day for only a minute, and the helmet is an upload source to your brain, therefore creating a place to input knowledge. After the helmet is done uploading, they take off the helmet and depending on whether or not the helmet uploaded some knowledge of survival or acrobatic or science, they are either tested in the virtual reality world, or with an actual test which is an electronic file that is sent to a literal 'desk computer' that is embedded in each desk that has both a touch screen and a pointing device that tracks what you are looking at and moves the mouse arrow accordingly. There is no keyboard to this device, it tracks what you are thinking and when it receives a command customized by the user to begin typing down what they are thinking, and also modifies the text based on commands. The virtual reality is literally what it says in the name: a virtual reality. There is a pod that puts the body in stasis and plugs in the mind into a virtual character (usually represented by an exact replica of yourself) and you can activate different settings or games and in certain programs, you can change physics. Imagine actually being Mario in the Mario games or being Solid Snake in Metal Gear Solid; even harder to make into virtual reality would be the Metroid series, due to the fact that you can turn into a 3/4 meter wide sphere and roll around whilst still being able to use bombs from a full size individual about 6 feet tall and weighing 170 pounds. The teleporter is a wristwatch sized device on your arm that can take input on exact coordinates and scramble your molecules to that exact position and reassemble you exactly as you were before with no change in anything except your position. You could also type in a building name and you will appear in a receiver just outside of that building. The replicator can be multiple sizes and in multiple places in each building. It receives commands via voice and creates that exact item.

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